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Welcome to the Official Site of The Y in Central Maryland Turkey Trot Charity 5K! We are excited to have you join us for this Thanksgiving morning tradition.

Adults, children and families from across the region come together to not only run (or walk, jog, stroll), but to raise funds so that children living in poverty in Central Maryland have access to Y programs that will forever shape their lives.

Thank you for being part of something good on Thanksgiving Morning!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Teaching Children Charity

If you have children or have contact with children you have heard them ask "why?". If you have involved your children in your Y Turkey Trot Charity 5K training or fundraising you have probably been asked "why?" about it a couple times. "Why are we asking people for money?" "Why do you want to go for a run?". The Y Turkey Trot Charity 5K presents us all with a tremendous chance to lead by example and model social responsibility and caring for our children.

We all want to know that we can make a difference and children are no different. Let them use the paper form to go door-to-door, with you to collect donations. They will be helping the needy kids they may go to school with, or play with at the park. If they are old enough, let them write a note to grandma and grandpa or give them a call asking for support. This will improve your child's public speaking skills and manners. And grandma and grandpa will love hearing from them.

Helping others teaches children that we are all connected and that good deeds change lives. It will also improves their self esteem and leaves them feeling great.

We all want this world to be a better place for our children, so let's involve them in the process and have fun along the way.

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