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Welcome to the Official Site of The Y in Central Maryland Turkey Trot Charity 5K! We are excited to have you join us for this Thanksgiving morning tradition.

Adults, children and families from across the region come together to not only run (or walk, jog, stroll), but to raise funds so that children living in poverty in Central Maryland have access to Y programs that will forever shape their lives.

Thank you for being part of something good on Thanksgiving Morning!

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Make this year's Y Turkey Trot Charity 5k the best one yet - create or join a team! See who can recruit the most runners, come up with the zaniest costume and raise the most funds for children in Central Maryland living in poverty.

To start or join a team go to the registration site and click "Join a team" or "Create a team". It is that easy. From there the site walks you through the process. Come up with a fantastic name and invite all your friends. You do not even have to all run at the same location to be on the same team - you could have five people in Baltimore City and ten in Westminster.

If you need any help we are here - just ask!


  1. How much does it cost to run as a team?

  2. Hi Jen - There is not a different rate for Teams vs. Individuals. To start a team please click "Register Today" in the side rail and then "Create a Team". Thank you!
