Let's start with, why should you cross train:
- repetitive movement, of any kind, can fatigue your muscles and without rest, prohibit repair and growth of muscles, leaving you tired and unable to progress in your training. Repetitive movements can also very easily lead to injury.
- cardio alone will only take you so far - lifting weights will not only strengthen muscles, it boosts your energy and metabolism.
- prevent burn out by mixing up your activities. If you do the same thing every day your enjoyment of your workouts may fade, so keep it interesting.
- it will improve your overall athletic ability, Mixing things up will make your body work multiple sets of muscles and train your heart and lungs in different ways, making you a well-rounded athlete.
- LIFT! Not just lower body, but upper body too. Easiest way to start lifting - schedule a FREE Fitlinxx appointment with the Fitness Team at your local Y. They will get you set up on all the machines based on your goals. Don't have access to weight lifting and cannot join us at a Y? Try these body weight exercises (pick one from each section and perform five rounds).
- Swim even if just for 20 minutes it is great for your body and mind.
- Take up yoga whether at home using youtube videos or at the Y, yoga will balance you out and lengthen and strengthen your body.
- Kickboxing - either at the Y or at home this workout is sure to get you moving in lateral patterns and using your upper body as well.
- Play with your kids (or your friends' kids). Running around with them or playing on the playground does count as exercise!
- Stretch while you watch TV or while on the phone at work.
How will you fit this all in? You do not have to do everything on the list, but be aware of how much time you are spending on one type of work out. Take a calendar and plan out all your work outs between now and Thanksgiving morning, being sure to take at least one full rest day a week.