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Welcome to the Official Site of The Y in Central Maryland Turkey Trot Charity 5K! We are excited to have you join us for this Thanksgiving morning tradition.

Adults, children and families from across the region come together to not only run (or walk, jog, stroll), but to raise funds so that children living in poverty in Central Maryland have access to Y programs that will forever shape their lives.

Thank you for being part of something good on Thanksgiving Morning!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Fundraising: There's Still Time

Are you just joining us as a runner and fundraiser? Give others something to celebrate this Thanksgiving by raising funds to help change the lives of children in Central Maryland. It is easier than you may think!

Your fundraising page was created when you registered for the event. Log into your fundraising account by going here. In the upper-right-hand corner hover over the picture and click on "My Profile". Then click "Manage" next to your fundraising page.

Now you can edit you page! Update the title, add a picture, or email to friends and family right from this page.

Once your page is in tip-top shape, here is how you can start collecting donations.
Need help with your fundraising? Ask us in the comments' section or on Facebook.


  1. Some friends have already registered but want to be part of my team. How do I add them?

    1. Hi Kathleen! They should log back into their page here: https://fundraise.ymaryland.org/fundraise/login?cid=10033&eid=51968

      and then on the right hand side look for a block that says "You are fundraising alone, join a team". They then click that button and find your team name in the list.

      Thanks for coming out Thanksgiving morning!
