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Welcome to the Official Site of The Y in Central Maryland Turkey Trot Charity 5K! We are excited to have you join us for this Thanksgiving morning tradition.

Adults, children and families from across the region come together to not only run (or walk, jog, stroll), but to raise funds so that children living in poverty in Central Maryland have access to Y programs that will forever shape their lives.

Thank you for being part of something good on Thanksgiving Morning!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Fundraising: Four Weeks Remain

How's your fundraising going? Have you asked ten friends for $10 each? We ask that every Y Turkey Trot Charity 5K participant aim to raise $100 each to help Give Every Child a Chance. How great would you feel waking up Thanksgiving morning knowing you had taken one more step to help children in Central Maryland?

Some of you are already experts at this and have raised more than $500 each.

What's they key? Asking. People will not give if you do not ask! Most people are scared of asking, but take a deep breathe and just ask your uncle, boss, best friend. It is like jumping into a pool, you want to do it, but you are hesitant and then you jump and wonder why you hesitated in the first place.

Nothing feels better than asking for donation for a worthy cause and then seeing your ask fulfilled.

  • We have great online tools, but follow up with a personal email, phone call, etc.
  • Personal asks make ALL the difference.
  • Thank your donor publicly (if they appreciate that sort of thing)
  • Ask your insurance provider, your dentist, your hair stylist
  • Start big "I really appreciate you agreeing to make a donation. $250 sends a child to preschool for a week, but any amount helps!". You are not asking for $250, but you are giving a point of reference.
  • Do not be discouraged if people do not respond right away. Give it a week and follow up. People get busy.
  • The worst thing that can happen is someone says "no" and the word "no" is better than "what if?"
Not sure how to start, start here.

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