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Welcome to the Official Site of The Y in Central Maryland Turkey Trot Charity 5K! We are excited to have you join us for this Thanksgiving morning tradition.

Adults, children and families from across the region come together to not only run (or walk, jog, stroll), but to raise funds so that children living in poverty in Central Maryland have access to Y programs that will forever shape their lives.

Thank you for being part of something good on Thanksgiving Morning!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beat the Heat: Summer Workout Tips

Summertime either makes you want to run out the door and soak up the sunshine or hide inside with the air conditioning on. If you are going to go out in the heat to burn some calories you need to protect yourself. The last thing you want is to hurt yourself during the fun summer months!
  1. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
    - If you are thirsty, you are dehydrated, so do not let yourself get to that point.
    - Naturally flavored water is a delicious way to enjoy water, with a little more oomph! Add some of your favorite fruit to a pitcher of water and try to drink the entire pitcher every day.
    - Sick of nothing but water? Try unsweetened ice tea!
  2. Dodge the sun!
    - Avoid high-sun times, 10am to 2pm
    - Try to enjoy outdoor activities early, before the heat of the day kicks in
    - Look for places to workout with shade – shaded trails, under trees, park pavilions, or inside
  3. Feel the Burn!
    - Actually, we want your muscles to burn, but not your skin, so cover up!
    - Sunscreens have come such a long way! Gone are the days of it sweating into your eyes during a run. Slather on sunscreen at least 15 minutes before heading out.
    - Cover up with light, sweat wicking materials. Baseball caps are great for shading your face, while also absorbing sweat.
  4. Try something new!
    - When it just gets too hot to handle, why not move your workout
    indoors? Whether you search your tv guide for workouts on demand, make up your own routine, or join your local Family Center Y, you are sure to find something to keep you moving.
    - Move your workout to the pool! If you have children, they will be so excited to see you in the water splashing around. Run in the place, tread water, swim laps, or just play with your kids. Throwing a child up in the air is sure to give your arms a great workout.
    - Unleash your inner child – out for a sweaty run? If you spot a sprinkler, take a lap through it to cool down.
Enjoy the summer heat safely.
Share with us, in the comment section, how you stay cool while breaking a sweat!

Top Picture from: http://www.more4kids.info/347/toddlers-and-water/
Bottom Picture from: http://lookatmyhappyrainbow.blogspot.com/2011/05/sprinkler.html

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